Sunday, January 23, 2011

Around the place in 7 shots.

Though the location is not dotted by many trees, the air around the caves is surprisingly pleasant and cool.

Most places inside and around the caves make for excellent locations to conduct a photo-shoot. Almost perfect lighting and almost zero interference from the locals. Trust us.

Grandson brought grandad dearest to the caves for a quiet chat. Not many of us can afford the quietness plush coffee shops have to offer...

A seller of fried snacks, we found him counting his days earning. He probably earns a mere 50 bucks. But, didn't look like he wishes to opt for a more crowded tourist spot.

The regular ‘hang out’.

The cave-women. Us against the sunlight, after we climbed atop one of the caves.

Catching up with the world outside from inside a cave.

Much love, brownies and lemonade from The CaveWomen.